Lego Social Club

Lego Social Club

Our week long LEGO(TM) program focuses on collaborative planning and building to build social awareness and improve social well being. In groups of four (including a peer mentor) the participants work as a team toward planning and building a domino run made from LEGO(TM) bricks.

Each session the participants work toward both team and individual projects that encourage them to develop social connections and personal insight

Skills Developed

  • Learn about their’s and other people’s strengths, skills, and interests
  • Build problem solving skills
  • Improve critical thinking skills
  • Increases capacity for communication and socialising
  • Comradery and friendship
  • Setting and meeting goals
  • Making and maintaining friends
  • Build fine motor skills
  • Science and math based learning
  • Develops autistic identity and friendships
d Construction Concept

LEGO-based STEAM group

A play-based way to encourage exploration and collaboration. Our LEGO-based STEAM program helps curious brains build and create with LEGO to problem solve, develop critical thinking skills, and collaborate in small teams.

Lego is a fantastic medium to help develop a wide range of skills from fine motor development through to improving critical thinking and visual #D mapping and planning.

Participants work in small teams to collaborate, problem solve, and design, construct, and assess weekly STEAM based activities.

Whilst working in a team the participant is learning to self advocate, communicate, and collaborate with their team mates. They are also learning and developing the skills they need to problem solve, build resilience , negotoiate, and find solutions to complex problems.

The groups are carefully designed to meet the sensory. social, and communication style of its members. The overall aim is to foster friendships through mutually shared interests, discussions, and intersctions.

Skills Developed
  • Learn about their’s and other people’s strengths, skills, and interests
  • Build problem solving skills
  • Improve critical thinking skills
  • Increases capacity for communication and socialising
  • Comradery and friendship
  • Setting and meeting goals
  • Making and maintaining friends
  • Build fine motor skills
  • Science and math based learning
  • Develops autistic identity and friendships

Lego STEAM group

Monday afternoons Term 1

Albury Library